Tuesday, April 28, 2009

This isn't where I parked my car...

It's been a minute since I've written
cuz I've been busy being smitten :)

Things are amazing with Edd. I now realize I've never been truly happy until now. I want to do things for him that I wouldn't normally do, for instance COOK haha. I hate cooking and anybody who knows me is aware of this already. But, I've been cooking and baking like a mother fucker lately. Brownies, cupcakes, pastas, and breakfast...you name it. I think I'm getting quite good at it :) I'm actually whipping up something fantastic tonight for him, I'm fuckin stoked. I enjoy treating him well because he deserves it so much. He never lets me down and always knows exactly what to do or say.

Good (metaphorical) god! I could go on forever about him...

My work day is almost half over! The time goes by a lot faster when you actually work instead of facebook haha. Which by the way, I'm trying to get away from as much as possible. It really is lame. I'm sick of the drama and how everyone knows your business on it. It's a great way to stay connected but it's a little fucking overkill if you ask me.

I'm starting to get tan as shit and I love it...the sunny weather has been so perfect lately. Weekends have been reserved for the pool for the most part. What people who don't have full time 9-5's don't understand, is the fact that people who do just want to fucking kick it on the weekend. Half the time, I don't even want to get ready and go out. I've just been enjoying my time with Edd...I'm not too concerned with partying right now because of how much I have been the past few months. I'm trying to give myself a break, I mean I turn 21 in 4 months so that's when the REAL partying begins YA DIG!

Strawberry champagne is that fire.

1 comment:

  1. that's good that things are going well in your relationship. a good relationship with someone is one of the most healthy things that you can endure.

    facebook and blogger are my ways of escaping the harsh reality of the workplace. honestly, work feels like when someone duct tapes you to a chair and pistol-whips you in the face until you're bloody and bruised. it's some fucking nonsense.

    when you turn 21 you can party any time that you want to but you have to keep in mind that after that age, drinking a lot turns from something you do to have fun into a problem. either that or it loses its luster.

    keep it real! :) I'm glad you posted something!
