Wednesday, April 8, 2009

My first fucking post.

My friend Daniel inspired me to start blogging...
thanks asshole now I REALLY won't get any sort of work done here!

It's beautiful outside today but it's god damn freezing. I refuse to wear a jacket for some reason, I wore a polo shirt to work today. I see sun so I THINK warm, but I know better than that. The week is flying by, which is good, because I plan on throwing the fuck down this weekend. POOL PARTY at my pool Saturday, it's gonna be an all day thing. If I like you, you can come. Damn that doesn't leave many people...haha just kidding. kind of.

I'm about to get serious on your asses...I'm in love :) but not just "Oh I love him", its more like "HOLY SHIT IM INSANELY IN LOVE"!! I want everyone in the world to know. Not like they care, but they need to. Edd is the greatest person I have ever had the pleasure of meeting. It's not even how insanely good looking he is or how well he treats me...even though I love both of those things. The thing about Edd that makes me love and respect him like I do is the fact that he is genuine and kind to everyone around him. He respects women and my friends. He isn't ignorant or close minded. He never yells or gets angry with me. We both share the same love for life. We haven't dated long but he has already made a hugely positive impact on my life and even if things didn't work out, I'd love him forever for teaching me that life is beautiful.


I went home at lunch, did some domestic shit...I almost stayed home instead of going to work because the Roor was out, the buds smelled amazing, and I've been wanting to watch It's Always Sunny. but alas, I am back at work. Because I'm trying to be this person people call a "grown up" haha. Who the fuck am I kidding, I'm still a kid. But I can pretend :)

1 comment:

  1. share the sun with me you jerk. I've got nothing but snow.
