Monday, May 11, 2009

I hold my breath, to kill the sound.

I just realized it's been almost two weeks since I've written anything...I have been pretty slack about it lately.

Life hasn't been too eventful these past few weeks...I've been spending as much time as I can with Edd, he has a new job where he works a lot of nights. It's a little upsetting because we aren't spending as much time together as we used to, but I am just happy he was able to find a job with the way our economy is. I'm trying this whole "look on the bright side" of things. I guess it's working...

My final weigh-in for boot camp is this Friday. I will find out how much weight I lost in a month. I'm excited/nervous. My mom is signing up for another month, I am not. I dont really need it like she does. I just have to be motivated enough to continue running and working out. Maybe I'll just look at old pics of myself, I swear I was a whale.

Yesterday was a good Mother's Day. I spent the whole day with my family, laying out and swimming. My dad cooked some awesome food, eggs benedict and mimosas for brunch, bratwurst for dinner. I got a little drunk haha my parents and I killed an 18 of Coors Light. I had some pretty interesting conversations with my dad, from piercings and tattoos, to the Notorious movie, and definitely weed talk which always happens when we drink together. I used to think he secretly smoked, but after yesterday I'm pretty sure he doesn't which kinda bums me out. BUT, he's all for it being legalized and I can be open with him about how much I smoke and he doesn't judge me. Then my mom comes around and we have to stop talking about it because we both know all she's gonna do is knock it. And well, we aint havin that!

It's been a typical Monday, I'm pretty stressed out and I can tell because I'm getting headaches again. I'm really excited to see my nephews this weekend, it's been months. My parents are having a birthday party for the eldest Aiden, I think he's about to be 8, or 9. They grow up so quickly...things are still rocky with my sister but hopefully everything will go ok.